
Sunday School For All Ages

Senior Class
Young Marrieds Class
Young Adults Class
Teenage Class
Pre-teen Class
Juniors Class

Classes are broken down by age group. Each class is focused on laying a foundation of sound biblical teaching in a way that engages and inspires each demographic to put the lessons learned into action in their individual lives.

City Outreach

We believe in spreading the gospel outside the four walls of our church building.

Everyone is welcome at BHC!

Our outreach ministries take church services to those who cannot come to us, including Rainbow Assisted Living and the Juvenile Detention Center in Bristow.

Bristow Holiness Church is concerned about extending a hand to those less fortunate in our community. We periodically host special Outreach Services where we welcome everyone with open arms, invite them to join us for a hot meal and fellowship afterward, and send them off with a care package designed to help relieve some basic needs.

Classes are broken down by age group. Each class is focused on laying a foundation of sound biblical teaching in a way that engages and inspires each demographic to put the lessons learned into action in their individual lives.

Juvenile Detention Ministry

Nursing Home Ministry

PB & J Ministry

PB& J Ministries

BHC Peanut Butter and Jesus (PB&J) is an outreach program with a focus on spreading the love of Jesus Christ throughout Bristow, Oklahoma. Volunteers gather the second Saturday of every month to make sack lunches and distribute them to the community. Each sack lunch includes a peanut butter and apple jelly sandwich, a snack cake, a bag of chips, and a juice. We love being able to minister in our community, and look forward to seeing what The Lord is going to do. 

BHC Bus Ministry is an outreach that has been active in Bristow Holiness Church for over 10 years. This ministry provides transportation to and from church every Sunday morning for kids and families in the community. Children are given the opportunity to attend our fun-filled Sunday school classes and our action-packed children’s church, while adults may attend Sunday school and be a part of our main worship service.

Breakfast is provided on the bus by church volunteers and a sack lunch is sent home with each child. If you would like to ride to church with us, please contact BHC Bus Ministry at (918) 990-5388.

Prison Ministry

BHC is so thankful to be a part of the Creek County Jail ministry. Our focus is to be a light to others spread the gospel of Christ. We look forward to helping and ministering to those who are in need and are hurting. We consider it an honor to be involved in this ministry, and are anticipating great things from The Lord.
Along with community ministries, BHC is thankful to have the opportunity to support multiple local and overseas missions.

Service Times:

Sunday School 10am
Sunday Evening 5:30pm
Wednesday Evening 7:00pm

114 W. 1st St,
Bristow, Oklahoma 74010

Call For Ride
or More Information
(918) 367-6602